Tuesday 22 February 2011

A Great Fitness Coaching Video- An Awesome Workout!

Well known in North America, Europe, and Asia, Adam Steer and Ryan Murdock are personal fitness coaches for many others who are trying to gain their ideal body shapes.

The greatest problem with most exercise programs is an inability to balance work and rest. That is the single biggest reason we fail to achieve our goals. Most coaches either have us training too hard or too often, burning us out in the process, or they have us training too light to get a proper training effect. This program we found pushes you on working days, but allows enough rest to recover. This balance proves to be very supportive.

Another positive aspect is it does not require a lot of space or any equipment. You can do it anytime, anywhere you want. It is a muscle defining program that heightens flexibility.

This workout guide balances the muscles in your body, giving you a healthier lifestyle, and benefiting your life in many ways.

If you are not a sport person, this is a good time to start with this thorough step-by-step guide:

Read Adam's blog here: http://www.bettersbetter.com/

1 comment:

  1. me love the workout. it feel so good.
